WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF CALLUS? Callus; It usually does not cause any discomfort in the initial period, and when the place of occurrence is…

How to Get Rid of Burn Scars? After trauma such as wounds, burns and surgical procedures, some people develop abnormal scar tissue as a result…

Capillary vessel enlargement on the face and body Although the capillary vessels on our face or body expand and become visible over time, it does…

What is Hair Loss? Hair loss may occur due to seasonal changes, stress, iron deficiency, and hormone disorders. However, long-term hair loss may be a…

What is Psoriasis? The classical type of psoriasis that we see most often is not life-threatening in any way. However, although they are rare, the…

What is Meat Mole (Fibroma molle) Treatment? Flesh mole, which has a different structure than regular moles, is a type of mole that appears on…

What is Rosacea? Rosacea (rosacea-acne. rosacea-rosacea), also known as rosacea, is a skin disease that causes small red rashes, pus-filled swellings and visible blood vessels,…

What are the Causes of Skin Spots? Freckles (Solar Lentigo) Sun and solarium spots Melasma Age spots Spots after laser-hot-sunburn Spots formed after severe itching Spots…

Is There a Treatment for Scars? During adolescence, the sebaceous glands are more active than normal due to the influence of hormones. As the oil…

What is Acne Disease? Acne disease, popularly known as ‘acne’, occurs due to the blockage of the sebaceous gland channels in the lower layer of…